2023 Annual Meeting and Banquet

The Noble Soil & Water Conservation District held it’s 81st Annual Meeting and Banquet on October 19th, 2023, at the Noble County Community Center. The evening started with voting for SWCD board members. The two candidates running for positions on the Board of Supervisors were Don Archer and Randy DePuy. The supervisors elected were Don Archer and Randy DePuy: their three-year term will begin January 1, 2024. Richard Gessel, SWCD Board Chairman, started off the evening with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by Don Archer, SWCD Fiscal Agent, with the Invocation. The guests of 70+ enjoyed a barbeque dinner catered and prepared by Tim and Jody Parsons’, owners of Hog Hollow BBQ, from Beverly. During dinner the crowd enjoyed a power point presentation covering the Noble Soil and Water Conservation District’s 2023 Year in Review. After dinner Dave Schott, District Administrator and Wildlife/Forestry Specialist for Noble SWCD, recognized all the special guests, including elected officials, area agency workers, and any election candidates.

Dave, then, introduced the 2023 “Cooperator of the Year” to the owners and operators of Green Valley Farms. Rick and Linda VanFleet, along with their family; sons, Eric and his wife, Steffany, Ben and his wife, Jennifer, and daughter, Andrea, run a Polled Hereford cow/calf operation in Enoch, Center, and Buffalo Townships on 700acres. Over the years they have installed many spring developments and pipelines, woodland exclusion fence, heavy use feeding pads, and implemented rotational grazing on their farm. All this work was done to make their farm more productive, along with the goal of conserving the natural resources for themselves and future generations in Noble County.

Dave presented the 2023 “Friend of Conservation” to Buckey Disposal. Mike and Linda Buckey along with their son, Lance and his wife, Kristin, have owned and operated the business for the last 48 years. They employ 23 people and cover Noble, Guernsey, Monroe, Morgan, and Washington Counties. Buckey Disposal is a huge supporter of our county and is always there when we need them. For the past 6 years the Noble SWCD has partnered with Buckey Disposal to promote Soil Stewardship Week with a trash pick-up contest on our Facebook page. When you send us a picture of yourself or family picking up trash along the Noble County roadsides during Stewardship Week, we will put your name in a drawing to win 1 years’ worth of free trash pickup from Buckey Disposal. The Buckey’s  goal of  extending conservation has reached far and wide across the region and Noble County.

The Noble County Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors and Staff would like to express a sincere thank you to all the candidates that ran for supervisor, and all the supporters who attended the evening’s festivities to celebrate another great year in conservation.

Pictured below: 2023 Cooperator of the Year, Green Valley Farms. L-R: Rick, Steffany, Eric, and Linda VanFleet, along with Dave Schott, Noble SWCD District Administrator and Wildlife/Forestry Specialist.




Picture Below: 2023 Friend of Conservation awarded to Buckey Disposal. L-R: Kristin, Lance, Linda and Mike Buckey, along with Dave Schott, District Administrator and Forestry/Wildlife Specialist.



2023 Board of Supervisors Election Notice and Annual Meeting Information

For the last 81 years Noble Soil and Water Conservation District has been having their annual meeting and dinner. That’s right -81 years! Each year there has been an annual meeting with a dinner or a family event. This year the annual meeting/dinner, along with the election of two supervisors will be held on October 19th, at the Noble County Community Center. The evening will feature the election of two supervisors from 5:30pm until 6:30pm. Followed by a catered beef brisket and chicken dinner by Hog Hollow BBQ, from Caldwell at 6:30pm. We will present the Noble SWCD “Cooperator of the Year” award and “Friend of Conservation” award.

There are three ways an eligible voter can cast a ballot: (1) at the SWCD annual meeting/election event, which will take place on October 19,2023 at 5:sopm until 6:30pm at the Noble County Community Center; (2) At the Noble SWCD office, 46049 Marietta Rd. Suite 5, Caldwell, OH 43724, from 9/20/2023 until noon on 10/19/2023 during normal business hours 8am until 4:30 pm; or (3) vote absentee by calling 740-732-4318 and requesting the proper absentee request forms from the Noble SWCD office at the 46049 Marietta Rd. Suite 5, Caldwell, OH 43724. All Absentee ballots must be postmarked and requested by October 13, 2023, to be eligible for election. An eligible voter is a resident or landowner ,firm, and corporation that owns or occupies land in Noble County Ohio. The voter must be 18 years of age or older to vote for a supervisor. A non-resident landowner, firm or corporation must provide an affidavit of eligibility, which includes designation of a voting representative, prior to casting a ballot.

The nominees that are running for supervisor positions for a 3-year term that begins January 1, 2024, and ending December 31, 2026 are:

Donald w. Archer (Incumbent) – Don lives in Marion Township near Summerfield on 130 acres, with his wife, Micki, of 45 years. Don and Micki have two sons, Josh, and Justin, Josh and his wife, Erica, have a son named Thacher. Justin and his wife, Constance, have three children named Parker, Penny, and Sylas. Both Josh and Justin served in the US Military. Josh served in the US Marine Corps, and Justin served in the US Air Force.

Don and his brother, Tom, have been farming together for over 47 years where they raise beef cattle and hay. Their farm has been in the family since before the Civil War. Don and his brother Tom along with their sons have been doing rotational grazing and working to do more intensive grazing by developing springs on the farm.

Don is a retired Ag teacher and FFA Advisor from Caldwell High School. Don is a member of the Caldwell United Methodist Church where he serves as Treasurer and is a member of the Noble County Farm Bureau. Don also serves on the Noble County Honor Guard for the VFW Post 4721 in Caldwell. Don enjoys traveling with his wife, Micki, turkey hunting and wood working.

Don’s conservation concerns are intensive grazing and using our soil resources with little soil erosion. Don also expressed concerns about invasive species such as spotted knapweed, and autumn olive needing addressed and controlled.

Randy DePuy – Randy and his wife, Marissa, have lived in Noble Township for over 30 years. They are the owners and operators of Hilltop Cattle Company for the past 22 years located in Noble and Sharon Townships and have three children Hanna, Katey, and Easton. Randy and his family run a cow calf operation on 135 acres in Noble Township and manage timber and wildlife on 160 acres in Sharon Township. The DePuy family has installed numerous conservation practices on their farm including spring developments, fencing, heavy use pad instillation, and rotational grazing practices. All this work was done to make the farm more productive, along with the goal of conserving the natural resources for themselves and future generations in Noble County.

Randy graduated from The Ohio State University with a degree in Economics and Accounting, and now works for Basic Systems in Cambridge, Ohio. Randy enjoys farming, beekeeping, hunting, and fishing. Along with these interests, Randy cares greatly about having a clean water supply for all residents of Noble County, using the area’s natural resources properly and proper disposal of wastes.

This event is open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend. Ticket cost is $10.00 for 13 years of age and older, and children 12 years and under are free. For tickets, contact the Noble SWCD office at 740-732-4318, or stop by the office located at 46049 Marietta Rd. in Caldwell. You can also contact any of the current SWCD board members, Richard Gessel, Don Archer, Sam Schneeberger, Levi Fogle, or Skyler King for tickets. Ticket sales will end Friday, October 13, 2023, at 4:30pm.




80th Annual Meeting and Supervisor Elections

The Noble Soil and Water Conservation District held its 80th Annual Meeting and Banquet on October 20th, 2022, at the Noble Community Center. Richard Gessel ran unopposed  and re-elected to the Board of Supervisors for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2023. Richard Gessel, SWCD board chairman, started off the evening with the Pledge of Allegiance. Jay McElroy, NRCS District Conservationist, followed with the invocation. The 80 plus guests were treated to a barbeque dinner catered by Tim and Jody Parsons, owners of Hog Hollow BBQ. A power point presentation covering the Noble Soil and Water Conservation District’s Year in Review was played throughout the meal. After dinner, Dave Schott, District Administrator and Wildlife/Forestry Specialist for Noble SWCD, recognized the special guests in attendance, including elected officials, area agency workers and any candidates running for office.

Dave awarded the 2022 “Cooperator of the Year” to Chris and Tara Estadt. Chris, his wife, Tara, and their children Chuck, Ida, and Aaron live on 198 acres of mostly forested land in Enoch Twp. Since 2019 they have controlled the growth, composition, structure and quality of their forest. They have spent countless hours eradicating invasive species such as ailanthus, autumn olive, grapevines, and barberry. The Estads produce their own maple syrup and extract honey from their beehives. Through their conservation practices, the Estadts are helping to conserve the natural resources for themselves and future generations in Noble County.

Dave then presented the “Friend of Conservation” award to the Village of Caldwell. The Village of Caldwell has been a great supporter of Noble SWCD’s conservation efforts. They have allowed us to host the Area 3 Envirothon and Environmental Day Camp at Caldwell Lake. The lake is a great place to spotlight Caldwell’s abundant natural resources. Together the Envirothon and Environmental Day Camp brought 200 plus students to Caldwell Lake to learn the importance of conserving our natural resources. Mayor Misty Wells accepted the award for the village.

The Noble Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors and Staff would like to express a sincere thank you to all the supporters who attended the evening’s festivities to celebrate another great year in conservation.

Pictured below: 2022 Cooperator of the Year Chris and Tara Estadt and their children Chuck, Ida, and Aaron, along with Dave Schott, Noble SWCD District Administrator and Wildlife/Forestry Specialist.


Pictured Below: 2022 Friend of Conservation, Mayor Misty Wells accepting for The Village of Caldwell. Presented by Dave Schott, District Administrator and Wildlife/Forestry Specialist for Noble SWCD.

Noble SWCD Seeking Board of Supervisors Candidates

Interested in being a board member and serving Noble County?
The Nominating Committee of the Noble Soil and Water Conservation District are currently seeking eligible individuals who would be interested to learn more about the role of a soil and water conservation district board member.
Noble Soil and Water Conservation District Board members are Ohio public officials elected at a special election as prescribed by the Ohio Revised Code.  Each of Ohio’s 88 soil and water conservation boards have 5 elected members.  The SWCD “Board of Supervisors” is the governing body for the district.  Board members must be 18 years old or older and reside within the individual county.
Some of the duties of the locally-led board include identifying local conservation needs and developing, implementing and evaluating strategic plans and programs to meet them; educating and informing landowners and operators, general public, and legislators on conservation issues; and coordinating assistance and funding from federal, state, and local government, district association, and private groups.
For more information, you may call the Noble Soil and Water Conservation District office at 740 732-4318 or email dave@nobleswcd.org

2024 Environmental Day Camp Information and Registration

Noble Soil and Water Conservation District is preparing to have its annual Environmental Day Camp for kids aged 9 -12, on July 16th and 17th, at the Caldwell Lake Pavilion. This year, Environmental Day camp will be focused on wildlife stewardship and conservation. Several activities will center on how campers can take an active role in wildlife and how they can participate, whether it’s through archery, beekeeping, or another one of the exciting activities Noble SWCD Staff is planning.

On the first day of Environmental Day Camp, campers will test their archery skills, under the supervision of a certified instructor. They will also learn about stream ecology and get hands on with macro invertebrates. As always, there will be crafts and fields games too!

On the second day of Camp, kids will get to test their skills on the water, with a morning of fishing, and canoeing on Caldwell Lake with the help of a certified canoeing instructor. They will also show their skills on land as they practice with air guns, under the guidance of a certified hunter safety instructor, and with all the appropriate safety equipment.

The cost of Environmental Day Camp is $35 per camper, this covers lunch for both days, a camp tee shirt and other craft supplies and take home activities. The first day of camp, the kids will have pizza, chips and cookies and a drink. Lunch on day 2 is: hot dogs, chips, cookie, and a drink.

The camp is limited to the first 30 kids ages 9-12.  In order to insure your child’s spot make sure you register early!  Registration deadline is June 14th 2024 at 4:30 pm.  If you have any questions you can call us at the Noble SWCD @ 740-732-4318.


Environmental Day Camp Registration Form

Name of Camper(s) _____________________________________________________________________


Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________________ Daytime phone____________

Shirt size(s)_____________________ Camp Fee: $35.00 /child X ___=Total___________

MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE AND MAIL TO:  NOBLE SWCD 46049 Marietta Rd Suite 5, Caldwell, OH 43724

79th Annual SWCD Meeting and Supervisor Elections


Noble Soil & Water Conservation District 79th Annual Meeting and Banquet

            The Noble Soil and Water Conservation District held its 79th Annual Meeting and Banquet on October 21st, 2021, at the Noble County Community Center.  The evening started out by voting for SWCD board members.  The two candidates running for positions on the Board of Supervisors, were Sam Schneeberger and Levi Fogle. The supervisors elected were Sam Schneeberger and Levi Fogle; their three year term will begin January 1, 2022.  Richard Gessel, SWCD board chairman, started off the evening with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by Don Archer, SWCD fiscal agent, with the Invocation.  The guests of 70 plus enjoyed a barbeque dinner catered and prepared by Tim and Jody Parsons’, owners of Hog Hollow BBQ, from Beverly.  During dinner the crowd enjoyed a power point presentation covering the Noble Soil and Water Conservation District’s 2021 Year in Review.  After dinner, Dave Schott, District Administrator and Wildlife/Forestry Specialist, for Noble SWCD recognized all the special guest, including elected officials, area agency workers and any election candidates.  Dave, then introduced the 2021 “Cooperator of the Year Award” to the owners and operators of Hilltop Cattle Company, Randy, and Marissa Depuy.  Randy, his wife, Marissa, and their children Hannah, Katie, and Easton, have worked beef cattle for 20 years on their 160-acre operation, in Noble Township, in Noble County. The Depuy family has installed numerous conservation practices on their farm including spring developments, fencing, Heavy Use Pad installation, rotational grazing practices. All this work was done to make their farm more productive, along with the goal of conserving the natural resources for themselves and future generations in Noble County.  Dave then presented the “Friend of Conservation Award” to the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District. This organization has always rallied around the Noble SWCD. Through the support of their grants the District was able to purchase a new No-Till Drill in 2018, and a new 2 Row Corn Planter in 2020. The Conservancy District also sponsors a Cover Crop Program for area producers to enroll in, to help with the cost of cover crop seed after harvesting a cash crop. This summer the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District also sponsored Blue Bird Box kits for 30 campers at the 2021 Noble SWCD Environmental Day Camp. The MWCD’s goal of extending conservation has reached far and wide across the region and Noble County.

The Noble Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors and Staff would like to express a sincere thanks to all the candidates that ran for supervisor, and all the supporters who attended the evening’s festivities to celebrate another great year in conservation.

Pictured below: 2021 Cooperator of the Year, owner and operators of Hilltop Cattle Company, Randy, and Marissa Depuy, with Dave Schott, Noble SWCD District Administrator, Wildlife/Forestry Specialist.

Pictured below: 2021 Friend of Conservation awarded to the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District represented by Mark Swiger, with Dave Schott Noble SWCD District Administrator, Wildlife/Forestry Specialist.

2023 Election Notice

The Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Commission will cause an election of Supervisors of the   Noble Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) to be held in accordance with Chapter 940 of the Ohio Revised Code. Individuals who own or occupy land within The Noble Soil and Water Conservation District and are 18 years of age or older may vote for Supervisor.

There are 3 ways an eligible voter can cast a ballot:

1.) At the Noble SWCD office from September 20, 2023 until October 19, 2023 during normal business hours; or

2.) At the SWCD Annual Meeting, which will take place at Noble County Community Center on October 19, 2023 from 5:30 p.m. until 6:30p.m. or

3.) Voting absentee from September 20, 2023 until October 13, 2023 by requesting the ballot application and election ballot from the SWCD office at the following address

46049 Marietta Road Caldwell, OH 43724, by calling 740-732-4318 or email dave@nobleswcd.org. Absentee ballots must be received by the SWCD office by Friday October 13, 2023.

Two Supervisors will be elected to a three‐year term Commencing January 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2026.


Nominees are:

  1. Donald W. Archer
  2. Randy DePuy




Noble SWCD Seeking Board of Supervisors Candidates

Interested in being a board member and serving Noble County?

The nominating Committee of the Noble Soil and Water Conservation District are currently seeking eligible individuals who would be interested to learn more about the role of a soil and water conservation district board member.

Noble Soil and Water Conservation District Board members are Ohio public officials elected at a special election as prescribed be the Ohio Revised Code. Each of Ohio’s 88 soil and water conservation boards have 5 elected members. The SWCD “Board of Supervisors” is the governing body for the district. Board member must be 18 years old or older and reside within the individual county.

Some of the duties of the locally-led board include, identifying local conservation needs and developing, implementing and evaluating strategic plans and programs to meet them; educating and informing landowners and operators, general public, and legislators on conservation issues; and coordinating assistance and funding from federal, state and local government, district association, and private groups.

For more information, you may call the Noble Soil and Water Conservation District Office at 740-732-4318 or email dave@nobleswcd.org